Saint-Etienne vs Lille

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Preview match Saint-Etienne - Lille

The match Saint-Etienne-Lille Ligue 1 will start 13-09 18:45. Referee in the match will be .

Team Saint-Etienne currently is on lower place in table (18 position). Saint-Etienne in 5 last matches (league + cup) have collected0 points.

In 3 matches scored 0 goals, an average of 0.00 goals per game. 0 games ended up winning, 0 draws. 3 defeits. In 33.33% matches the total goals in the match was over 2.5 goals (Over 2.5). In 66.67% matches the sum of the goals was greater than 1.5 Goals (Over 1.5). In 0 matches Saint-Etienne has not lost the goal. In 0 games, both teams have scored goal. Average goals: 0.00 per game

Team Lille is located in the middle of the table. (7 place). In 5 last games (league + cup) Lille get 6 points. Players Lille in Ligue 1 with the highest number of goals: Bafode Diakite 1 goals, Thomas Meunier 1 goals, Edon Zhegrova 1 goals. Most assists in the club have: Bafode Diakite 1 assists.

In 3 matches scored 5 goals, an average of 1.67 goals per game. 2 games ended up winning, 0 draws. 1 defeits. In 33.33% matches the total goals in the match was over 2.5 goals (Over 2.5). In 100.00% matches the sum of the goals was greater than 1.5 Goals (Over 1.5). In 2 matches Lille has not lost the goal. In 1 games, both teams have scored goal. Average goals: 1.67 per game

Direct matches: usually ended with winning of Lille. Balace of both teams games are: 9 won Saint-Etienne, 20 wins Lille, 14 draws. In 18 matches the sum of the goals both teams was greater than 2.5 (Over 2.5). On the other hand, 31 matches teams scored more than 1.5 goals (Over 1.5). In 20 matches the both teams have shot at least one goal.

If you want to compare this teams or you looking for more stats check this site
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You can read full preview Round 4 (matchday) of Ligue 1 here
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