Congo vs Namibia

Finished 90'
Congo logo1
1Namibia logo



First squad

1 Mafoumbi
5 Bakoua
6 Rozan
10 Makouta
11 Mboungou
13 Tchibota
15 Dozi
16 Mbemba
19 Mbenza
Kazapua 1
Haoseb 2
Petrus 4
Hotto 7
59' Stephanus 8
59' Katjiteo 12
42' Shalulile 13
59' Kamatuka 14
Nyambe 22


4 Nzaba
7 Nkaya
14 Avounou
17 Ndzila
18 Ossete
20 Ovouka
21 Makouana
22 Mabella
Horaeb 6
59' Kambindu 9
Tjiueza 10
59' Papama 15
Spiegel 16
59' Rudath 17
Heita 18
Handura 19
Ndisiro 23

Preview match Congo - Namibia

Preview image Congo - Namibia
Kick off Congo-Namibia in World cup on today 16:00. Referee in the match will be .

Team Congo is located in the middle of the table. (3 place). Congo in 5 last matches (league + cup) have collected2 points. To defend Namibia the most demanding players will be Silvere Ganvoula M'boussy 1 goals, because this season they scored the most goals for Congo of the entire composition.

Played 3 matches this season. Won 0 matches 2 ended in a draw. 1 were defeated. In 33.33% matches the total goals in the match was over 2.5 goals (Over 2.5). In 100.00% matches the sum of the goals was greater than 1.5 Goals (Over 1.5). In 0 matches Congo has not lost the goal. In 3 games, each team scored a goal in the match (both teams to score). Average goals: 1.00 per match

Team Namibia is located in the middle of the table. (2 place). In 5 last matches (league + cup) team gain 10 points. To defend Congo the most demanding players will be Peter Shalulile 2 goals, Absalom Limbondi 1 goals, Joslin Kamatuka 1 goals, because this season they scored the most goals for Namibia of the entire composition.

Played 5 matches this season. Won 3 matches 1 ended in a draw. 1 were defeated. In 40.00% matches the total goals in the match was over 2.5 goals (Over 2.5). In 80.00% matches the sum of the goals was greater than 1.5 Goals (Over 1.5). In 2 matches Namibia has not lost the goal. In 3 games, each team scored a goal in the match (both teams to score). Average goals: 1.40 per match

Direct matches: usually ended with winning of Namibia. Balace of both teams games are: 1 won Congo, 1 wins Namibia, 1 draws. In 1 matches the sum of the goals both teams was greater than 2.5 (Over 2.5). On the other hand, 2 matches teams scored more than 1.5 goals (Over 1.5). In 1 matches the both teams have shot at least one goal.

If you want to compare this teams or you looking for more stats check this site
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